welcome 2 my little diary/blog thing that i sometimes write in ..! sometimes i will complain/vent in here, nothing srs at all but if it annoys u- click away!

june 5, 2024

hello!!! first log wow phew.. todays been good :3 i slept in n played games w friends and hav spent the rest of my day coding stuff. right now i am feelin kinda.. nervous i guess. graduation stuff is coming up and apparently we DON'T have a rehersal so i hav no idea what im doin!! and i hate NOT knowing what i'm doing!! i wish everyone could just explain everything in detail all the time so i would feel less nervous about. everything. BUT on a better note i finally found an auction for the corpse party figs i've been searching for!! it ended up being $63(? i think) for seiko+naomi n3ds figs!! im p sure that's the cheapest you could ever find them as every other one ranges from $70-$600... i'm so excited 4 my blorbos.. when papa feels better i need to ask him to hang my shelves up so i have space for them.

june 6, 2024

ahhh my friends had their graduation ceremony today wuuu it was so nice. i only cried 1 time (once!!!!) meanwhile my friend cried 99% of the ceremony wwww. the ceremony concluded and i got to hand the bouquet i bought to a friend and hug everyone, it was really nice. i'm glad i was able to go and see them. now i just have to get through my own ceremony sunday. aaaaaaaaagh

june 9, 2024

i graduated today! it was hot, tiring and nauseating. i thought i was gonna throw up in the morning.. maybe from lack of sleep or just nerves- don't know. i was glad to see my friends before the ceremony and have at least one friend sit beside me. i was also lucky enough to spot some family in the crowd. i was really afraid i wouldn't. when i went to grab my diploma i forgot to take a photo and had to turn back it was embarrassing :3 but i am free!!! no more high school!!!!! then i went to ym friends family dinner with anotha friend n we had olive garden!! fun time

june 13, 2024

went to a local festival w friends :3 it was.. so hot.. i got reallllly sunburnt on my arms u_u but i had fun! and shockingly didn't get too sick! granted i only went on a few rides because i didn't feel great esepcially after spinning.. so much.. spinning.. but i had a good time. it was nice to be with my friends and lay in the shade. the rides were fun too! just.. nauseating.

june 15, 2024

another graduation party done! i had a good time minus how exhausted i was... maybe staying up until 5am everynight isn't the best idea. i was at my friends house from 1:00-10:00 and that is the longest i have hung out with people uninterrupted since... forever i guess. which is especially impressive for me since 1. it was outside, 2. i was exhausted beforehand, 3. again, first time ever doing it 4. i felt overwhelmed the first 5 hours in wwww. it was fun to be around all my friends and the grad party friends family is always very kind to me. we played games, had a bonfire n smores, food, found a shopping cart to mess around in, kicked some chairs, sat in the grass, yadyaydayd and finally my friend drove me home :D i am now gonna watch movies... n fall asleep mimimiimhonk shoo

june 20, 2024

long time no update! (not really..) nothin much has happened lately .. i got my drivers license and drove alone for the first time a few days ago!! it honestly wasn't scary at all, if anything it was really fun. then i went ot the waterpark with a friend it was rlly nice but sooo..hot... but i had a lot of fun w my frien :3 skip to today and i finally got my corpse party figs. . THEYRE SOOO CUETSY.. the only thing that im iffy about is 1. the stands are VERY finicky and 2. they came with things to switch the hands/faces but im scared of trying them out since its pretty hard to remove the stuff but it's no big deal since i like their original poses and expressions!

june 23, 2024

interesting day? not really.. kinda.. i went 2 another friends grad party but i felt really bad most of the time for some reason. just dizzy and awkward ... or something? oday was just a really hard day for me for some reason. i felt bad since my friends would ask if im okay or just ask if i wanna go so i just decided to leave early. i didn't want anyone paying attention or worrying about me on my friends special day. on the bright side my dad bought me some apple crisps when he went to the store (they are pretty gross but i will eat them as a 'thank you for caring about me') and then i went to the store myself n bought some things. i used to hate driving but now that i'm alone i really like it. also i feel kinda shitty for not staying longer or doing better at pretending like i was enjoying myself :p. i did try, but sometimes people can tell exactly how i feel just by looking at my expressions or actions. nyways i will play fortnite with kelsey n go to sleeeeep

june 26, 2024

this entry is mainly just a rant wwwww. i am feeling so not good alllll the time :x. i feel exhausted but i cant sleep n i can't get anything done- it's frusturating. i just feel so belhhghh. everyone keeps asking if im okay and letting me know i can ask them for help, but i don't know what to say. "oh nothing really i just have a chemical imbalance. in my brain. ehe ^_^." right now i am TRYING to clean but i got sidetracked and felt dizzy so i sat down to write something :p. oh i also watched kelsey play baldurs gate (3) again and now i wanna play it but i dont have $60 to be throwing around wahghh.. alas i shall wait until the graduation party awards me with hella cash. oki bye

july 7, 2024

hi guys :3 long time no update (again) i havenmt done anything besides hang out w friends awghhh still unemployed n spending my days driving, sleeping n playing games ^_^; evry lame yes. i dont hav muvh to update on lol.. oki bai

august 18, 2024

wow i have not touched this or neocities in general in SOOO LONG!!!! hello erm im trying to think all thats happened... i hung out with my friends a lot this summer, still didnt get a job (lol), i got snakebites and am still currently healing, got my izutsumi cosplay ready for con (except it isn't until.. november?), changed my room quite a bit, had my graduation party and... i think that's it? nothing eventful really!! granted ive probably forgotten a lot of things (which was the whole reason i made this journal TO REMIND MYSELF OF THINGS but i never remember to write in it LMFAO) todays update however i just woke up! at 3? or something. im thinking about going out somewhere today but i am soooo eepy

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nothing here.. yet